Basic Life Support training programs teach rescuers how to manage a cardiovascular emergency before medical help arrives, or before the victim is brought to the emergency room. With more and more disasters plaguing the country, people are being aware that being trained in CPR is everybody’s responsibility, not just people who work in healthcare. With that, there has been a rise in the number of providers offering training.
Our providers are located in six different cities all over the US, offering students AHA-approved training with a high quality training curriculum – all for very affordable training fees. Complete details on training rates, schedules, and contact information are available on the provider homepages.
Signing up for BLS training
Because we are focused on giving our students the ultimate comfort in their educational experience, there are four different ways of signing up for training. The most popular is through the application form that can be filled out 24/7. E-mails and telephone calls are also another option. Lastly, walk-ins during operating hours are very much encouraged by the staff to quickly finalize settling of payment and other personal details.
Certificates are awarded after a trainee passes the set of exams given at the end of each training program. They expire after two years; students have to take re-certification classes to renew a certificate. If a certificate expires before the rescue takes re-certification, he will have to retake the training program. Expired certificates are not valid for re-certification at any of our training providers.
Basic Life Support Programs
BLS programs focus much of its class hours on skill building. Trainees are taught how to give chest compressions and rescue breaths on high-tech training mannequins. A few basic first aid skills are also included in BLS training, primarily focused on wound care and variations of the Heimlich maneuver.
There are three BLS training programs available, one for the general public and two for healthcare providers (HCPs).
Heartsaver CPR and AED (general public) is four hours long and teaches students one-person cardiopulmonary resuscitation, standard first aid, and how to use an automated external defibrillator. Students who want to become certified can take the optional skills test at the end of training. Re-certification is not available for this program.
Heartsaver CPR and AED (healthcare providers) is 4.5 hours long and tailors basic CPR lessons for HCPs. One-person rescue is still the focus of this program, including first aid and how to use and AED. To become certified, students have to take the practical and written exam (mandatory) at the end of training. Re-certification is not available for this program.
Basic Life Support for HCPs is a healthcare provider course that is 4.5 hours long. Unlike the basic CPR classes, this teaches one-person and two-person rescue for CPR management. The program also teaches the entire 2010 Basic Life Support guidelines from the AHA. A set of post-tests is given at the end of training as well. Re-certification is available and runs for 4 hours.