
Dealing with sacroiliitis

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Sacroiliitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of one or both sacroiliac joints. The condition is characterized by severe lower back pain or at the buttocks and can spread to one or both legs. Prolonged standing or climbing stairs can cause severe pain. Complications of this condition cause difficulty breathing, lung infections, heart problems and deformities of the spine.

Symptoms of sacroiliitis

  • Severe lower back pain as well as in the buttocks that can spread to the groin, feet and legs
  • Stiffness of the back
  • Pain becomes worse with prolonged standing and sitting
  • Weight bearing in one leg
  • Prolonged periods of long-distance running
    Severe lower back pain as well as in the buttocks that can spread to the groin, feet and legs.
  • Constant climbing of stairs
  • Sudden standing from a seated position
  • Pain can be felt on side of the buttocks which can be mild to moderate or bilateral.


  • The ligaments become soft and stretched during pregnancy. The weight of the growing fetus puts plenty of stress in the sacroiliac joints that results to tearing of the ligaments that results to inflammation.
  • Infections
  • Trauma to the sacroiliac joint that can misalign the joint such as in vehicular accidents
  • Arthritis


  • Take plenty of rest and avoid performing activities that causes pain such as lifting heavy objects or performing repetitive movements that places plenty of stress to the sacroiliac joints.
  • Apply alternate heat and cold therapy to lessen the pain and inflammation. Apply an ice pack on the area for at least 15-20 minutes at a time. Another alternative is using an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables. Avoid applying the pack directly on the skin to prevent further damage. Apply the pack on the area for at least 2 days a week.
  • Apply a heat pack to lessen pain and inflammation. Another alternative is taking a hot bath.
  • Massage the area around the sacroiliac joint to relax and loosen the ligaments.
  • Take the prescribed over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen to lessen the discomfort and pain. Muscle relaxants can help lessen the spasms of muscles due to sacroiliitis.
  • Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises to restore range of motion, strength, mobility and flexibility of the sacroiliac joint.


  • Warm up before performing any physical activities to lessen the risk of sacroiliac injuries.
  • Perform breathing techniques such as yoga to lessen the risk of developing sacroiliac joint pain.
  • Avoid traumatic injuries such as vehicular accidents and falls.
  • Quit smoking for proper flow of blood in the area and for fast healing of the condition.


Medical News Today – Trochanteric Bursitis: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Spine-Health – Sacroiliitis: Exploring Causes and Treatment Options

Mayo Clinic – Sacroiliitis: Understanding the Symptoms and Seeking Relief

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