
Close look on snoring

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Snoring happens when the air cannot move freely through the nose and throat during sleep and the surrounding tissues vibrate and produces the familiar snoring sound. Everyone snores occasionally, but if it happens frequently, it affects the quality of sleep and also family members and roommates. In addition, it can cause poor sleep and fatigue during daytime. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a health problem.

Causes of snoring

  • An obese person can be susceptible and sometimes accompanied by other causes
  • Sleeping on the back causes relaxation of the muscles of the throat and constriction that sometimes result to snoring.
  • Consumption of alcohol can also result to snoring.
  • Suffering from swelling adenoids or tonsils
  • Abnormalities of the nasal such as a deviated septum
  • An occasional obstruction of the airway that partially or fully closes the breathing passages also known as sleep apnea.


Sleeping on the back causes relaxation of the muscles of the throat and constriction that sometimes result to snoring.
  • If overweight, try to lose some weight in order to help lessen fatty tissues found at the back of the throat and minimize or stop snoring.
  • Perform regular exercises in order to help stop snoring such as exercising the legs, arms, legs and abs to cut down some weight and also helps in toning the muscles in the throat.
  • Stop smoking in order to help prevent irritating the membranes in the throat and nose which can cause blockage of the airways and result to snoring.
  • Quit drinking alcoholic beverages, using sleeping pills and sedatives in order to help prevent interruption of breathing.
  • Maintain regular sleeping patterns.
  • Clear nasal passages by utilizing a neti pot, nasal strip or nasal decongestant in order to make breathing easier while sleeping. If the individual suffers from allergies, minimize dust mites and pet dander in the bedroom or take allergy medications.
  • Keep the bedroom moist in order to prevent irritating the nose and throat if the nasal tissues are swelling.
  • Elevate the head about 4 inches high for easy breathing. Use specially designed pillows in order to help prevent the neck from getting crimped.
  • Attach a tennis ball at the back of a pajama top or T-shirt in order to help prevent sleeping on the back. The discomfort of having a ball at the back forces the affected person to turn sideways and helps in minimizing the snoring.
  • Use an anti-snoring device which is similar to a mouth guard of an athlete. It helps open up the airways and bring the lower jaw or the tongue forward during sleeping.


Wikipedia – Snoring: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

WebMD – Snoring: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Mayo Clinic – Snoring: Causes and Effective Management

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